Halloween Can Be a Scary Holiday for Your Pet

Halloween Can Be a Scary Holiday for Your Pet

As much as you and your children might enjoy Halloween, this particular holiday can be a stressful one for pets. They don’t understand why you have decorations and carved pumpkins with candles in them around the house and naturally feel curious enough to investigate....

Preventive Care Helps Your Senior Pet Age Well

You may have heard that one year in a dog or cat’s life is equivalent to seven years for a human. That isn’t quite accurate. According to the American Veterinary Association, the aging formula for companion animals goes more like this: Fifteen human years by the end...

July is Preventive Care Exam Awareness Month

If you only visit Lindale Pet Hospital when your pet is injured or sick, you’re missing the opportunity to get a complete picture of her health. The preventive care exam allows Dr. Koten to detect potential health issues and begin monitoring or treating them right...

Preventing and Treating Hot Spots on Your Dog or Cat

Acute moist dermatitis, more commonly known as hot spots, occurs due to a bacterial infection on your pet’s skin. Your dog or cat will naturally bite, chew, lick or scratch his skin in response to an irritant. Unfortunately for your pet, this tends to increase rather...